Our Charities

100% of the profits from your purchase support the World Wildlife Fund. Read more about how this fantastic organization is helping pandas here:

The World Wildlife Fund


WWF was the first international conservation organization to work in China at the Chinese government's invitation. WWF’s main role in China is to assist and influence policy-level conservation decisions through information collection, demonstration of conservation approaches, communications and capacity building.



We work towards and advocate for ...


• increasing the area of panda habitat under legal protection

• creating green corridors to link isolated pandas

• patrolling against poaching, illegal logging and encroachment

• building local capacities for nature reserve management

• continuing research and monitoring


WWF has been helping with the Chinese government’s National Conservation Program for the giant panda and its habitat. Thanks to this program, panda reserves now cover more than 3.8 million acres of forest.


WWF supports the government of China’s work by establishing panda nature reserves and a conservation network that integrates those reserves with forests farms and corridors of forest that allow pandas to find food and meet mates. The organization’s work ensures the legal protection of a large percentage of panda habitat and an improvement in how conservation efforts are carried out. WWF was also involved with the survey produced.

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